July 30, 2021

Community Groups Provide Caregiver Support

Caregiving has its own unique challenges, but that doesn’t mean you have to go through those challenges alone. Feelings such as burnout, grief and loneliness are not uncommon. Support groups allow you to share stories and connect with others who are in similar situations.

How to Find the Right Group for You

Your primary care doctor or mental health professional can recommend a support group for you. You can also find local and virtual meetings through organization’s such as the Alzheimer’s Association, Family Caregiver Alliance and Psychology Today. Mental Health America lists specialized support groups for a variety of needs. Do research to find the best support group for you.

You can attend groups in your local community or online. In-person groups foster relationships and support among attendees. In-person meetings occur on a set schedule and time. Online support groups offer more flexibility and allow you to participate from the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of Support Groups

Support groups may help us feel less alone in our struggles. By meeting with those who understand our experience, we feel understood and supported. This can reduce feelings of isolation and give us a community we can turn to for help.

It may take some time to feel comfortable in a new group. Go for a few weeks to see if you find value in the support and community. If it doesn’t feel like a good fit, don’t be discouraged. A different group might be a great fit for you.

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