July 12, 2022

Summer Heat Safety: Hydration Tips and Resources

Summer Heat Safety: Hydration Tips and Resources

As the temperature rises across the country, watching for heat-related illnesses is important. According to the Centers for Disease Control, people over age 65 and those with chronic health conditions are at higher risk for serious heat-related health problems.

Don’t wait—reach out to your Landmark care team if you have questions about your health, comfort, or safety in the heat.

Grandmother and child gardening outdoors

Prevention is Critical: Tips for Hot Weather

  • Taking cool showers, baths, or using a water bottle mister can help you cool down.
  • Don’t rely on an air fan as your primary cooling source when it’s extra hot outside. As much as possible, stay in air-conditioned buildings instead. Reach out to your Landmark team if you need help finding air-conditioned shelter.
  • Avoid unnecessary sun exposure.
  • Avoid cooking with a stove or oven to keep your house cool.
  • Dress in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.

Talk to Your Doctor about How Much Hydration is Right for You

It’s essential to drink extra water and not wait until you’re thirsty. Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from your body. Still, make sure you talk to your doctor about your medications and how to replace salt and minerals lost through sweating.

Stay in Touch

  • Ask a neighbor or a friend to check on you and do the same for them.
  • Check the local news for health and safety and weather alerts.
  • Seek medical attention immediately if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of heat-related illness such as muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, or vomiting.

People with chronic medical conditions are more vulnerable to extreme heat. Heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation, and obesity are risk factors for heat exhaustion. Their bodies may have a harder time noticing and responding to temperature changes. Their medications may make extreme heat worse for them.

Eight Heat-Related Symptoms to Watch For  

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can happen in extreme heat. The CDC’s warning signs of heat exhaustion are:

  1. Heavy sweating
  2. Paleness
  3. Muscle cramps
  4. Tiredness/weakness
  5. Dizziness
  6. Headaches
  7. Nausea
  8. Fainting

Seek medical care immediately if you or someone you know has these symptoms.