October 23, 2019

Patient Story: Robert

Patient Robert Walgreen shares his experience with Landmark that has greatly benefited him and his wife, Anne.

Robert Walgreen has been a Landmark patient since June of 2018. Robert has some mobility challenges and several chronic conditions that require monitoring and prescription medication management. Fortunately, Landmark is there to help.

Career, family, and hobbies

Robert, 68, is a former underwriter specialist for global property. Robert says, “I worked in global property insurance, dealing only with accounts that were $1 billion or greater. All Fortune 500 accounts.”

Robert has also raised a family with his wife, Anne. He says, “We have family living nearby. My step-daughter lives 25 miles north of us in Boston, and my son and his wife and children live about 20 miles south of us. I have another son and his wife and children in Connecticut, about three and a half hours away. They can make it here when they need to, and they come for holidays too.”

Robert has woodcarving skills and likes playing the guitar. His health goal right now is to get back to being able to walk four blocks, like he used to be able to do. Robert says, “Right now I can walk about half-way up the street and then back to the house.” As a precaution, when he goes for a walk he brings someone along with him in case he needs help. Robert also has a transport wheelchair, which he sometimes uses for outings.

Robert’s experience with Landmark

The first time a Landmark provider came to visit, a medical doctor from Landmark sat at the dining room table with Robert and Anne and explained the program. Since then, Robert has had Liz, a nurse practitioner, as his main Landmark provider.

Robert says, “Our Landmark provider, Liz, is terrific. She is very good. She has done all kinds of things for us. I really can’t speak highly enough about her. I’ve had a lot of medical support come to the house over the past several years, and the two most helpful have been my Landmark provider, and my physical therapist. I’ve completed my physical therapy now though, so I will do the exercises on my own.”

Robert recounts one example of the support Landmark has provided to him; “One time, I fell, and I had a big bruise on my leg, almost like a blood blister. My Landmark provider helped me with this, coming to our home to keep changing the bandage, so we would not have to go to a place by the hospital to have that done. That would have been very inconvenient. My wife doesn’t like to drive. Plus, I’m on oxygen, I had a bruised-up leg, and I walk with a cane. It isn’t easy to go to appointments.”

Robert adds, “Another great thing about Landmark is that when Liz comes, my wife is here, and there is great involvement of the family. With Landmark, the provider speaks to all interested parties—the patient and the caregiver, at the same time.”

Robert continues, “I have COPD and epilepsy. I’m on a lot of medications. My Landmark provider goes over the whole list of prescriptions with us when she comes.”

“Landmark has helped keep me out of the hospital through its preventative approach.”
-Robert Walgreen, patient

Anne’s perspective as a caregiver

For Anne, Robert’s wife and caregiver, Landmark provides support as well. Anne says, “As a caregiver, Landmark gives me peace of mind. Landmark is another set of eyes on Robert’s health, and they listen to me vent. They understand my concerns and frustrations. We hear from Liz’s nurse, Stephanie, by phone for a check-in every couple of weeks, which is helpful. She will give us reminders about what we should be doing.”

For Anne and Robert, the convenience of having a provider come to their home is a major advantage of having Landmark services. Anne explains by saying, “Landmark is a great resource for me and Robert. It is very convenient because they come to our home. I hate driving. I am licensed and will take Robert to appointments when necessary. But it’s not easy with the oxygen equipment he needs, the transport chair and him. I’m not the biggest person in the world. I’m only five-foot-two.”

Anne adds, “Landmark always offers other services to us that they have available. They tell me that the health of the caregiver is important. They are very informative. Any questions I have they will answer. They explain why Robert is taking certain medications, explain how the medicine works, and the effects I should watch for. They are very good at the prevention side of things.”