February 17, 2020

The Chronic Care Management Your Loved One Needs, Their Way

Our physicians and medical professionals will treat your loved ones in the comfort of their own homes, working hard to give them the care that they need, when they need it.

Being a caregiver for an aging loved one can be complicated and exhausting. Adding a loved one’s chronic care management to your busy schedule can sometimes involve sacrificing a day’s work.

Caring for someone with chronic conditions shouldn’t mean you have to upend your entire life to ensure proper care. With Landmark Health, it doesn’t.

Landmark helps your loved one better manage their medical conditions. Landmark’s care has been shown to reduce unnecessary trips to the ER. Our doctors and healthcare professionals treat patients in the comfort of their own homes, working hard to give them the care they need, when they need it.

Why Landmark Health?

Landmark physicians and medical specialists work with your loved one’s primary physician and specialists to help ensure all medical care is coordinated. This coordination is especially important for those who have multiple chronic conditions.

Here are six reasons to use Landmark’s services for your loved one:

Complications with Mobility

Mobility issues can make it hard to access regular medical care. A simple trip to the doctor can mean a difficult process of getting your loved one in and out of the car and into the doctor’s office, especially during the wintertime.

Through house calls, Landmark makes health care more accessible to those who have a hard time seeing a doctor for routine visits due to mobility limitations.


Patients with chronic conditions tend to need more frequent doctor appointments. That can mean more investment of a caregiver’s time.

Landmark makes medical house calls on the patient’s and caregiver’s schedule to provide necessary health check-ins and make it easier for both your loved one and you.

Dedicated Professionals

Landmark’s doctors and other healthcare professionals prioritize a patient’s health and well-being during each visit. Keeping our patients comfortable and as healthy as possible comes first. No question is too big or too small.

We’re here to alleviate patient concerns, provide patient and caregiver education, and keep you informed about health status.

Specialists Available

Landmark has different healthcare specialists on staff that meet the medical, social, and mental needs of our patients. Patients have access to social workers, behavioral health specialists, pharmacists, and more.

Services Typically at No Copay

Landmark offers its services to qualifying patients, typically those with six or more chronic conditions and on Medicare Advantage. Patients who qualify have the comfort of knowing that this service comes at no additional cost. Landmark does not replace existing primary care providers or specialists. Landmark works in conjunction with the patient’s established healthcare providers.

Available 24/7

Landmark offers the advantage of 24/7 phone support from trained healthcare professionals and urgent, in-home visits that address minor medical emergencies. Questions about medications, side effects, and symptoms can be discussed at any time, day or night, with a knowledgeable professional. Patients can receive advice on managing symptoms, be dispatched a healthcare professional in a minor emergency, or be given instruction on seeking emergency assistance.

Is Your Loved One Eligible for Landmark?

To know more about your loved one’s eligibility for Landmark’s services, click here. We will get back to you to discuss eligibility and next steps.