Patients or Caregivers Outsmart Unplanned Medical Costs: 10 Steps for Managing the Unexpected Older adults can safeguard themselves from the physical, mental and emotional toll of unexpected medical costs.
Patients or Caregivers Social Work Breaks Barriers The month of March is a time we celebrate the social work profession.
Patients or Caregivers Time and Talent to Spare? Consider Volunteering Donating your experience and labor to charitable groups is a good way to build community and even improve your health
Patients or Caregivers Celebrating Black History Month: Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Dr. Williams is celebrated as a medical pioneer and advocate.
Patients or Caregivers Landmark Helps Patients Through Wildfire Challenges Landmark’s outreach to patients during periods of crisis highlights the need for value-based medical care in the U.S.
Patients or Caregivers What Is Age-Friendly Health Care? Older Americans aren't getting the care they need. Here's why that matters.
Patients or Caregivers The Benefits of More Informed Patients With more information and control in the hands of the consumer, medicine has become more patient-centered.
Patients or Caregivers How to Prepare to Become Your Parents’ Caregiver There’s no real training program for family caregivers, but there are things you can do to make it easier when the time comes that you need to step in to help your parents.
Patients or Caregivers How Caregivers Benefit from Landmark Services Sometimes caregivers appreciate Landmark services as much as the patients themselves do.
Patients or Caregivers What to do When an Elderly Parent Refuses to Move 7 tips on navigating this challenging time with kindness and respect for all involved.